Homecoming Info 2022

GHS Homecoming 2022 Permission Form

GHS Homecoming Guest Application

Dance Details

Homecoming Dance will be held on Saturday, October 29th in the Cafe.  Dance will be from 7 P.M.-10 P.M.

There will be no entry into the dance after 8:00 P.M.  Students must be picked up no later than 10:30 P.M.  Only 600 tickets will be sold.

There will be no reentry to the dance if a student leaves the premises.  Lingering in the parking lot is not permitted.

Students will be subject to searches upon arrival.


What are the requirements to attend the homecoming dance?

If you have 5 or more unexcused absences then you cannot attend the homecoming dance.

If you have any referrals then you cannot attend the homecoming dance.

If you have any fines and fees owed to Gateway then you cannot attend the homecoming dance; unless they are paid before purchase of ticket.

All students who have 0-3 unexcused absences will have a chance to win a free ticket to the homecoming dance.


Can I bring a guest from another school to the homecoming dance?

Guests will be allowed to attend GHS homecoming dance.  Guests must be enrolled in a Lee County High School.

A signed guest form must be presented at the time of purchasing a guest ticket.

Guests must bring a photo ID for entry into the dance.


Tickets Details

Students must have a signed permission slip to purchase a ticket.

Tickets will go on sale September 26th- October 6th or until sold out.  Tickets will only be sold in the Cafeteria during lunches.

No dance money or permission slips will be accepted outside of the Cafeteria.  Week of 9/26-9/30 Tickets will cost $25.

Week of 10/3-10/6 Tickets will cost $35.

No tickets will be sold on Friday 10/7/22. No exceptions.


Students who receive a referral or suspension after they have purchased their Ticket or students who reach 5 or more unexcused absences after they purchase their ticket will not be allowed to enter the dance and will not receive a refund.


Homecoming Dress Code


  • Attendees are expected to wear semi-formal attire.


  • Dresses may be strapless (if they fit properly) or include spaghetti straps.


  • Excessive cleavage is not allowed.


  • Dresses may be backless, as long as they are not cut below the naval.


  • Midriffs should NOT be exposed. This includes both front and side.


    • Dresses/Outfit may not have a slit that exceeds mid-thigh. This is fingertip length.



  • Undergarments should not be visible. See-through apparel is not permitted.


  • Dress/outfit length must be mid-thigh (approximately 5" inches above the middle of the knee in both the front and the back).


  • Sagging pants, Baseball Caps, Beanies are not permitted.
  • Two-piece dresses MUST overlap at the waist: meaning top MUST overlap with skirt.


  • You do not have to dress to the theme of the dance.



Students or Guests dressed inappropriately will be turned away at the door. The principal /designee’s decision is FINAL and
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